Driven by the promise of prosperity, two thirds of humanity will likely live in cities by 2050. But as cities continue growing, many are failing to deliver on that promise. Increasing housing density, higher costs of living, unequal access to resources, and the escalating impacts of climate change are all testing our urban spaces. Are we prepared to meet these challenges?
Planning resilient and carbon neutral cities will be key to success. The first step is setting up urban energy systems, supported by an effective energy transition. The Arcadis Sustainable Cities Index 2022 shows significant steps cities have taken towards a prosperous future for citizens. With varying challenges, it also shows that there is no perfect city.

Talk to an expert
Connect with Carolien Gehrels,
Global Solution Director Energy Transition.
6 key pillars for cities of the future
Taking the best ideas, innovations, and lessons from cities across the globe, we have identified six key pillars cities must consider in their journeys from strategic planning to implementation as they work to create greener, more prosperous cities of the future.
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